Doing it Scared

Kaniaru Writes
4 min readJan 16, 2023


I LOVE quotes. Quotes have the ability to make things sound sexy, doable, relatable. They make you feel like you can move mountains, soar the skies, fly with the birds. More than that, they make us feel seen and validated.

This one is about a quote I have been saying to myself quite a lot lately. It’s been helpful, powerful, never failing to give that Queen B energy that reminds you that you are a goddess, a queen, a force to be reckoned with.

Beyonce Knowles Queen GIF (

The quote in question?

“If you can’t beat fear, just do it scared.”

Glennon Doyle Melton

Chanting this quote and using the momentum to get started on something is one thing. Having the willpower to see something through is another thing.

I cannot tell you how many times I’ve started on something, high on “quote power”, then once I’m in, my inner voices have a field day taunting me. It’s always hilarious, watching myself have these inner conversations. The scene that unfolds is literally a flight or fight one. Do I stay? Do I leave? Why exactly did I think this was a good idea? Will I look like a failure for giving up too soon? Do I even have what it takes to finish this? What exactly was I thinking? You get the flow.

What is always interesting is that it’s the virtue of being scared that actually keeps me in this situations. The same fear that acted as a barrier now turns into an ally and keeps me grounded in the journey.

Life😂 (

I’m starting to believe that the wisdom in that quote lies not in making me courageous in the moment, but in tricking my mind to overcome that initial stage of fear. The hindrance that stands in the way of actually doing something and instead building up anxiety castles in our minds. The trick of the magic show is that once you get that first win, the actual start, you are able to face the other fears that come along.

Doing it scared means that while you might be scared out of your wits, or your anxiety is running through the roof, you are still able to show up. You are still able to realize that the only way to end this scared loop is to finish what you started. At least you’ll be able to say you gave it a shot. That is part of living, giving yourself a shot at something. Bonus point is that if you make it to the other end, you actually do become more confident in your next attempts or approaches.

I’ve seen this in those around me as well. Mel tends to think that they are a bad dancer. They actually are, if we are honestly speaking. This past year, they were given a dare to dance in public. And by that we mean in front of a crowd, on stage, next to the dj, where a majority of people were seated observing the few brave souls dancing. They took the dare, went up the stage, and danced badly. My God, the videos were embarrassing. The interesting thing is that as they eased into it, and got more comfortable after getting past the initial stage fright, they started rocking out moves. A miracle happened and man did Mel show the crowd who was boss. Got quite some pats on their back for that. Once the fear fades away, the only thing left to do is dance and shine like the ball of stardust that you are.

We are made of stardust (fizzicsed)

Fear is a constant factor in our lives. You’ll be scared when you think of doing something, before you do it, after you start doing it, while doing it, before finishing it, after finishing it and the cycle will continue. Choosing to do it scared simply means acknowledging the fear, and still choosing to go forth with your ideas. It does get easier, with time.

Do it scared.

Sending love and light.

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Kaniaru Writes
Kaniaru Writes

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